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India, N/A, Delhi,
110033, 919810068558
India, a vast country with an amazingly diverse landscape and culture is one of the most preferred tourist destinations by people around the world. India welcomes thousands of tourist every year. With their rich culture and history the cities in are a must visit. Northern India is home to a vibrant culture and landscape. Delhi, the capital of India is a mix of the old and new. Every nook and corner of Delhi has a story to tell, thanks to the rich history of Delhi. Jaipur, famous as the Pink City, is the capital of Rajasthan. Jaipur is famous for its elegant palaces and forts. Agra is famous across the globe for Taj Mahal, the symbol of love. Agra was the capital of India during the Moguls. These three beautiful cities form the golden triangle tours of Indian.
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